Friday morning when Chad went out to feed the animals, he discovered the bandits that had been stealing the dog food. They were eating about 20 lbs. of dog food or cat food each time.
We rigged up a tool with a broom stick handle and a lariet and wire and were able to get a noose around their heads. "WILD"!

Caught red-handed, jailed, guilty and cute!

Not one, but three! Three naughty racoons. Always thinking,and planning the great escape. I encouraged Chad to secure the cage better before I was able to haul them to the mountains where I had planned to go Huckle berry picking that day. He assured me that wasn't necessary because they couldn't possilbly get out of the cage. I have a feel for animals and the things that they are capable of . I went to check on them after breakfast and again mentioned the concern to secure the cage. "They were working persistantly on the escape."

Look who got the last laugh. "Bye, bye ! I'll be back and much too good for you !"
Aww, how cute! I love their long fingers! ha ha. I'm glad you caught the little rascals! I showed Trever the post and he said, "I think racoons are nice," (I assume he was hoping you'd keep them around as pets.) Of course, I explained that wasn't possible. But we both aggreed that they're pretty cute looking trouble makers!