Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Warm River Trail Ride

Here I am riding Noble. Thought you'd like to go along for the ride!
The scenery is absolutely breathtaking! I'm so grateful to live in such beautiful country.

This is the trail from the back end.

We stopped for a picnic lunch.

Of course this is Noble's favorite part.

Paulina and Holly enjoy the rest.

Unfortunate event when Noble kicked India. It was bleeding quite a bit so I had to wrap it.

The fly fisherman just like being outdoors. We didn't see many catch any fish. I'd rather be riding!

This is the view from the front of the trail.

Maddie is enjoying the view.

O.K. this is proof that I was there.

The end of the ride.

Happy !

A trick I learned from our photographer "Dennis". A self portrait! Well, that's also a horse by me. It was a Great Day!


I enjoyed the carts and wagons at the rodeos and parades this year.
This is for you Sarah C. I thought you rode well.

Kye Leah is home 'till college starts up again for her new schedule. It's nice to know that some of my children still like to ride.

Monday, July 27, 2009

The Young and the Tired!

Centered is "Sarah C. " . I was able to snap this shot at the rodeo. She rode well and looks pretty. I have more photos but they're on Chad's camera. I'll post them later.
This is Emily L. She's trotting on Noble and hopes to be loping soon so she can go on a trail ride. I think she'll do it!

Brooke L. is taller and riding well.

Sarah L. is on "Korkie" and loving it! She's going to be good!

This is one dedicated Grandma. She brought the sisters for there lesson after working a 12 hour shift. Take care of grandma girls, she sure takes good care of you!


We celebrate the 24th of July in honor of the Mormon Pioneers who crossed the plains in order to obtain religious freedom. That's the answer to one of the questions asked at the rodeo queen contest that I helped to judge this year. We were awarded tickets to the rodeo and I got shots of a few events like "barrel racing".
I think a few of my students would be able to stay on . However, my hat's off to the man that tries.

The contestant must stay on for 8 seconds. He scores higher for how well he spurs and for showmanship and if his horse bucks well.

This horse fell and the rider escaped with minor injuries.

The "pick up" men are valuable horseman in the sport of rodeo and these were quite skilled.

This is the Senior Queen for 2009.

Now this little gal was a favorite of mine. She won the Junior division. She actually beat the Senior Queen in horsemanship to win the trophy saddle. You'll be seeing this "Shaffer" in the future as Miss Rodeo Idaho and Miss Rodeo America. She' s got what it takes!


Last week we practiced low jumps bareback. First with hands. Paulina and Holly cleared it every time.
Sam and Sienna did well also.

After "India" settled down for Maddie she did well! Even though "India" can be a challenge at times, she is quite athletic. Perhaps when her sarcoids are under control she'll be more pleasant. I think that most people are too quick to judge about animals and others. We should take more time to evaluate why people or animals are sometimes unpleasant. I'm sure greatful when others take into consideration my own faults.
"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you;"

Tacia and Noble were consistant.

Paulina and Holly tryin the "no hands" aproach.

See "India" does just fine.I'm grateful that Maddie has talent and forgiveness to work with her. People who overcome, accept critism, and persist are the ones who succeed. Here's a girl with great potential.
Don't mad, get better!
Be watching as
we raise the bar and these girls will soar to new heights!

Fancy Footwork and Fun!

Last week we worked on side passing. "Sam" is learning the correct aids to get the job done.
"Julissa" and "Rainy" actually are doing quite well at sidepassing. Keep up the good work!

"Josh" in the back comes out to help "Brian". "Captain" helps push "Spirit" along.

Brian likes taking a turn on "Captain" so Josh has to put "Spirit" in his place.

Actually, I think Brian prefers riding "Captain" even if he has to ride bareback!

They Earn It!

All of our students are required to learn horse handling and safety before they ride. Maddie is getting ready to clean "India's" hooves. Maddie has earned her way to help train young horses. She works hard and puts in the extra time.
Emily has been working hard all summer to earn a trail ride.

She had to be able to lope "Sienna" on correct leads in the arena before she could go out into wide open spaces!

She is broadening her horizons and we will be off this week for her trail ride! Way to go Emily!

"Jaydon" my grandson can't wait until he gets a turn to ride!

Monday, July 20, 2009


Courtney came for a short visit while visiting her Aunt. She had been saving her dollars so she could take some lessons! She did very well!

Special Guests!

After judging a rodeo queen contest with 21 contestants from 8am to 6pm I hurried back to a special session with some great people traveling across the U.S.
Emily tried her skills with Noble.
They rode until sunset and also the storm came just as we finished!

Of course they had to love on little "Rascal" . I had to check Emily's pockets to make sure she hadn't stowed him away! ha, ha

It is always a pleasure to meet and become aquainted with nice people! Hopefully our paths will cross again!