Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Horses, Family, and Friends

One of the many things I love about being involved with horses, is that it's an opportunity to bring family and friends together. Here's Nathan my grandson on "Samson" our dog who is often mistaken for a pony by many young children.
It's nice to see mother and daughter sharing a mutual interest. This is Amber and Julissa with there new horse "Bunny".

This is Sam who travel with her dad "Eric" on Saturdays for lessons. Here she is concentrating on balancing the egg on the spoon. This is a good exercise for rider balance and control with one handed riding. She did a good job!

I know you can't see Catherine' s new fancy boots, but she's testing them out on her new reining saddle. "Lucky"!

Eric is doing well with Sonic. So far so good! I know that he'll be critiquing his own photo.

"Goof-off's", and Games

You, hoo! Dennis you're suppose to take pictures of the students. This is a self-portait of Dennis the menis with Captain. That's me in the background supervising the "Kid" wondering "What are you doing?!"
Maddie had to leave early during our day of games. To even out the teams, I was able to participate. To my surprise the games were more challenging than they appeared. It was Fun!
Sarah is in the background attempting to get her horse close enough to dump her cup while I'm reaching way down to fill my cup and empty the water into our team's bucket. Yes, we won this time.

Here's Maddie carefully balancing her egg on a spoon. It helps if you have a smooth gaited horse under you for this game.

Emma and Katie are rounding the barrel. Both are focus well.

Paulina and Holly have a nice run and clean up! This is a fun Class.

Brian Crosses Bridge with "Spirit"

Kevin brought an excited Brian back for his first lessons for this season.
Brian loves his horse "Spirit" and his horse loves him.

Katherin walks ahead while Brian asks his "spirit" to cross the bridge.

Brian and "Spirit" are successful in this task. Great work Brian!

Thanks to my son-in-law "T.J." our trail course was repaired for the classes. My family is really great in helping me out whenever I need it. I'm very fortunate to be blessed with such talented caring, and loving people.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Ooo, What's That?!

You probably can't see this in the photo, but inside "India's" ear is what is known as "Sarcoids".

Sarcoids look like a cluster of warts, however they are tumor-like growths that are unpleasant to look at. They seem to annoy the horse because they are in the way of the tack. Other than that I'm unsure that they cause much pain. I had these removed a couple of years ago by a vet. He actually cut them off. They did return as he indicated the possibilty. It was costly for the procedure so I researched other options. I've been using an herbal product which is a fourth of the cost. So far I'm impressed with the results. The lable states that there is no regrowth, or scaring affects. After a few applications the growths were minimized.

This sarcoid is located between her jawline and chin. We had missed this from the first removal. As you can see it is "gross" in every way. This is a picture taken after a few treatments. It was black and crusty before. It's like it's being disolved slowly. I will be sure to post the final results when treatments are complete.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Our friend Catherine has recovered. She and her spouse spent the day helping out on Saturday. We're glad she's back in the saddle again!
Is this what we call "Roman Riding"?
This is my grandson Jaydon. His dad won't allow him to ride horses because they are dangerous.
It's true they can be. However, from the looks of this photo Jaydon's dad may have a lot of other dangers to consider! When we live life we live it to our fullest. Life can be dangerous but it's to our advantage to gain the knowledge available to us to avoid mistakes and "Seize The Day!" You go Jaydon!

I offer a lot of one on one training clinics with horse and owner. There are certain steps in training. Training takes time and patience. It's been said that it takes one to two years to train a horse but at least five to train a person to train a horse. With the right combination of horse, and people. Success can be achieved. Here Eric demonstrates how he's allowing Sonic to get used to him and make the transition to his weight and height. Sonic has been in training for about a month at the time of this photo. He's doing very well considering that Sonic had an attitude with biting and kicking and "don't touch me" when he arrived.

Congradulations Eric on your first ride on your new horse! The time and effort that you're making is paying off. I'm proud of you. Keep up the good work!

Monday, April 13, 2009


Eric and Sonic working on manners .
Kim Sue and Paj learning patience.

Darin and Ked checking his tack before he mounts.

Darin warming up Ked. Notice Shontae, his daughter on the fence.

Notice Eric, his daughter Sam at the far end helping the young horse to expel a bit of energy before there trainging begins.
Little girls love horses and Dad's love their little girls!

Shontae is someone who gets back in the saddle. She was injured in a horse accident a couple of years ago. It takes courage to overcome the fear and get back on. It's the nature of the horse sport to occur accidents, but it's the love for the animal that teaches us to overcome our shortcomings.
I admire Tacia for choosing to develope a partnership with "Noble". He challenged her abilities last year but she is improving her skills and working well with him.

Someone once told me that pretty girl on pretty horses are a beautiful sight. Sam and Sienna make a pleasant picture.

Sarah is taking a turn at practicing the barrels. It's amazing to see "Luke" her horse complete such a task. A couple of years ago, several people suggested that he be put down due to cronic founder. With a bit of medical treatment, a lot of TLC from his owners, and a bit of prayer, he is a different horse!

The skies have threatened rain or snow this Spring. However this is a beautiful backdrop for Paulina, Maddie, Sarah, and Emma. The grass is turning green. I'm so grateful for a wonderful world.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Just a note or two: Keeping this blog up is a challenge with my schedule. I do enjoy doing it although I'm usually tired by the end of the day. Please excuse any errors do to lack of energy.
Example of my day starts with morning chores, exercise, getting Chad off to work. I'm preparing my garden (tilling), cleaned the corrals, trained four horses, had a quick snack, gave two private lessons, and an individual training clinic, evening chores, fixed dinner, and cleaned up. I know, ''EVERYONE IS BUSY!"

Anywho, I did attend a vaccination presentation sponsored by Dr. Kinghorn, a local veterinarian last night. We were treated to prime rib or chicken gordon bleu dinner at my favorite restaraunt, "Stockman's". The food was great. THANKS DR. KINGHORN!! The information about vaccination was benificial, a little "wordy", and long-winded at times, but helpful. I have decided to vaccinate with the 5-way, and also the West Nile Virus vaccine. Most of the Vet Clinics are offering discounts for a limited time. Check your local Vets for more information.


Paulina starting off our first class of the Season. An Intermediate class begins April 11th, 2009.
I wish that I'd have taken a before and after of "Babe" Paulina's horse. She had 7 dreadlocks in her mane. She looks much better after a day at our spa, ha, ha.

These girls and horses are looking good for there first class of the Season!

Emma is following her older sister Sarah. She's setting a good example!

Paulina on "Holly" staying in control and looking pretty!

Maybe It's Spring?

We've been able to catch a few good days in April. Here's Amber with her new horse.
Emma is getting her first lesson with bareback and no hands.
Yes, that is snow on the ground in April. I thought it was Spring. It's Idaho!

The Mighty Maddie is the only rider besides myself that's been able to ride "Korky" solo.

Korky thinks he's bigger than life itself. Here he is with "Sonic" .
Korky is the boss of the two!

We've seen Korky buck higher than this barrel.
At least he knows that he's suppose to run them now.