We're still greatful for God's creative art that keeps us sain through the cold winter days.

Here's the snow in the arena. It's a half of a barrel deep on February 4th, 2009!

The tack room and office is still accessable thanks to Chad and his skidster.

"Dazz" is a guest for a couple of weeks, due to a recent surgery. She requires daily medication , observation and care. She's doing great!

Last, but not least, "Sonic" great grandson of the famous racehorse, "Native Dancer" will be a familiar face here for a Season. Eric Wellman and family are the proud owners of this handsome horse.
Nice blog, Mom! It makes me feel a little closer to home when I read your posts. And Nathan LOVES all the horse pictures. He's sitting on my lap, pointing to the horses, and saying "Neigh! Neigh! Neigh!"